Wednesday, May 28, 2008

RSS feed serendipity

Clinton Dugan

RSS Feeds are one of the newest technologies known to the internet. RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. RSS solves a problem for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. In the article from Mark Gibbs, of network world, it talks about how RSS feeds have taken over the web and a new RSS reader called Snackr. RSS feeds have been heavily discussed during our e-marketing class at Kent State. RSS feeds are even used on our class blog site, which is Check it out!

Snackr is built on Adobe’s Flex and Air and can run on Windows, OS X, and with some limitations, on Linux. There is a difference with Snackr is that it randomly samples, however, many feeds you give it to monitor and presents its selection in a scrolling ticker tape style display. You can configure Snackr so that the ticker is on any screen edge, the rate at which it scrolls, whether it should stay “on top” when other applications are active. Also, gives the user a change to personalize the content bases on websites visited. Thus, bringing the content you want not what the websites want to give you.

A benefit of Snackr is that it stays on the screen as you browse the web. This is a good feature as if you need your websites updated on fast basis. The program can find new news before it is even released on the web; however, this can become a problem to users. Users might get irritated at how much information comes through the scroll. With the scrolling feature, it gives the users a chance to read at a quick pace and catch up on the websites updates.

I think this is important to marketers and consumers because of the type of information that this service can provide. It can provide breaking news or good ad campaigns for companies. Thus, getting the news out to the consumers faster and more quickly with the given amount of time. This is going to help internet marketers because its going to allow them to access the service and potential customers. I personally like the fact a service like this exist. It gives you the option to sign up for the service, without it automatically happening, like spam mail does sometimes. A RSS reader like Snackr, helps you stay up to date on topics, special offers and other information that could be vital to your internet life. If you are a heavy user of RSS feeds, having this reader will benefit you in many ways, way past just staying up to date on the webs updates or news.

A link to this website and story is:

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