Friday, June 6, 2008

Comcast testing Internet traffic management system in Virginia

It appears that comcast is going to start testing sites with high bandwidth. The Philadelphia-based cable-television, Internet, phone and media company will test a method of slowing Internet-access speeds for Internet customers who are using a lot of bandwidth at times when its network is congested.
Comcast had been trying to manage traffic on its network by slowing the transmission speed of peer-to-peer file sharing applications, which can be used to do things that take up a lot of bandwidth and slow traffic for other users, such as transmitting data files or entire movies. That brought it some heat from Internet users and the Federal Communications Commission.
"At the busiest time of day on our network (which could occur at any time), those very few disproportionately heavy users, who are doing things like conducting numerous or continuous large transfers, may experience slightly longer response times for some online activities, until the period of network congestion ends," Comcast told this to the effected customers.
I think this is important to marketers and customers, because of the cost. If you are using at alot of bandwidth, its going to cost you in the future. Advertisers might want to start keeping an eye on what they are doing and how its going to effect the future. I can see this becomeing a problem sooner then we think.

A Link to this article..

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